Sound Card Packet  with AGWPE

Translations and PDF of this site
Most recent AGWPE version is:  2013.415  15 Apr 2013

Computer requirements
Packet Engine Pro

Configure AGWPE
Download and Install
Basic AGWPE Setup
2 Radio Setup
2 Card Setup

Sound Device Setup
Basic Device Settings
Rename Sound Device
Additional Settings
Using the Tuning Aid

Program Behavior

AGWPE Features
AGWPE on a Network
Baud Rates & Modes
Remote Control
TCP/IP Over Radio
Tips and Tricks
Traffic Parameters

Compatible Programs:
Setup Help

Radio Interface
Getting Started
Kits and Pre-assembled
USB SignaLink
Receive Audio Cable
Transmit Audio Cable
PTT (TX Control) Cable
2 Radio Modification

About Packet
Packet Overview
Exchange Modes
What To Do with Packet
Common Frequencies
Frame Headers
Further Reading


From their webiste:

TstHost is an intelligent packet radio program, multichannel, multisession. The program may manage the FBB unproto list, while the internal PMS support both the standard mbl-rli and fbb compressed forward. Up to 8 separate channel, plus monitor window. Any channel may be used for an our connection, or a pms channel in case of external connection. Any channel may have indipended yapp file transfer and macro execution. The program may be expanded with server and pg program, to add new function. TstHost was written in order to work with tnc like tnc2, equipped with wa8ded or equivalent host eprom, but may work with any other tnc in kiss mode and baycom modem.

1. Download and install the TSTHWIN program into a TSTHWIN folder.

2. Download a special AGWPE driver from this site:

3. In that zip file, you will find a TF2AGW.HTM file which says do the following:

  • UnZip the distribution file TF2AGWnn.ZIP (nn=version) into a temporary directory of your choice, e.g. C:\TEMP
  • Move the TF2AGW.DLL file from the temporary directory to the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.

  • Then copy the TF2AGW.INI to the C:\Windows  folder.

  • If necessary, edit the TF2AGW.INI file in the C:\Windows folder. Look for this entry: IP_ADDRESS=nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn , where  nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the IP Address of the machine where AGWPE is running.  If AGWPE is running on the same machine as TSTHWIN, leave the entry as  IP_ADDRESS= . Otherwise determine  the AGWPE machine's  IP address with the Windows's WINIPCFG utility and use that address.

4. From the TSTHWIN\EXAMPLE folder:

  • copy the TSTHWIN.CFG file to the TSTHWIN\SYSTEM folder. Then edit the copy in TSTHWIN\SYSTEM folder: insert your callsign in place of any NOCALL entries that you see (I saw 2 places).  (Note: There is much more you can/should edit or delete to make TSTHWin work as you would like, but those changes are not important for running the program with AGWPE. See the TSTHWIN "help" file for more info.)

  • copy the TSTHWIN.PRT file to the TSTHWIN\SYSTEM folder. Then edit the copy in TSTHWIN\SYSTEM folder (according to the instructions in the TSTHWIN 'Help' file), so that the the last line of the .PRT file reads:

        4 0 1

    where 4 is to use the TF2AGW.DLL driver;  0 is for TSTHWin to ignore the com port; and 1 is the number of AGWPE radioports you have (change if necessary for your situation).

Note: If you are running Win2000, the Windows directory  referenced above becomes "C:\WINNT\", not C:Windows.  Also, rename two files :


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